The Transmosis Enterprise Solution

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The Arizona Technology Council is once again participating in the annual 2017 CompTIA DC Fly-In organized by our national trade association TECNA (Technology Council’s of North America) and CompTIA. The Council would like technology company executives representing our member companies
Employees in fields such as customer service and transportation face a ‘disruptive tidal wave’ of automation in the not-too-distant future By 2021, robots will have eliminated 6% of all jobs in the US, starting with customer service representatives and eventually
Team meetings will never be the same again for one work group who have taken on a humanoid staff member By: KIRSTIE MCCRUM A trainee office manager is set to begin a two month trial, but this is a new starter
By: David Stockman The flyover zones of America are wanting for work and buried in debt. That’s the legacy of three decades of Washington/Wall Street Bubble Finance. The latter has exported jobs, crushed the purchasing power of main street wages and
PowerToFly founders Katherine Zaleski (left) and Milena Berry (right) are a powerful force for women who want to work remotely. Photo by: Samantha Casolari. By: Kavi Guppta Let’s cut to the chase: remote work is becoming a viable option for people
By: Julie Bort According to job-hunting site Dice, employers are searching resumes for these words or phrases most frequently. In the tech industry, one day a skill is hot, the next it’s not. IT professionals spend a lot of their
A $15 minimum wage will mean wiping out thousands of entry-level opportunities for people without many other options. (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images) By: Ed Rensi Mr. Rensi is the former president and chief executive officer of McDonald’s USA. The Service Employees
A warehouse worker is shown here at Logistics Team in Industry. (Photo by Walt Mancini/Pasadena Star-News) By Kevin Smith California’s minimum wage hikes are going to force logistics firms with low-paid warehouse workers to invest more heavily in robotic technology,