Transmosis CEO to speak on “Filling the Cybersecurity Workforce Pipeline” panel at the Tech Policy Summit, Capitol Hill, Feb 14 2017

Transmosis CEO Chase Norlin will be speaking about filling the cybersecurity workforce pipeline in Washington, DC:

Filling the Cybersecurity Workforce Pipeline
There is no doubt that we are facing a shortage of skilled workers needed in the cybersecurity space. The problem is two-fold: filling the gaps that we have today while preparing the next generation to ensure adequate workforce in the future. This is a problem that needs to be solved by the public and private sectors working together to create clear career paths for cybersecurity, while using all available tools for recruitment and retention of skilled personnel. This is also an opportunity for men and women looking for a well-paid and enduring career. This panel will examine what the public sector is doing at the various levels of government and what the private sector can do to get involved while aligning their own efforts.

Transmosis CEO to speak on “Filling the Cybersecurity Workforce Pipeline” panel at the Tech Policy Summit, Capitol Hill, Feb 14 2017