SJECCD Opens Game Design Course to the Public Over Spring Break to Promote STEM Careers


SAN JOSÉ, Calif., April 4, 2017 – Have you ever wanted to work in the Gaming industry? Transmosis and the Silicon Valley Engineering Tech Pathways (SVETP), a California Career Pathways Trust (CCPT) STEM Pathways Project funded by the California Department of Education (CDE) and the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office (CCCCO), will host a Game Design Academy from April 10 to April 14. This specialty course is limited to 25 students.

The Game Design Course is open to anyone. No experience necessary.

Employers require applicants to have basic skills, but they need knowledge and experience. This Game Design Course is the rare opportunity to gain insight into the field, relevant gaming skills, and start building a portfolio. 

Anyone interested in designing and launching their own game, or who may be curious how Minecraft, Candy Crush, or their favorite games were designed.

The course will take students through the basics, including brainstorming their own game design, making it playable troubleshooting errors, and finally to a demo day, which for the 25 SJECCD Gaming Academy students is their final exam.

The introductory not-for-credit computer science 4-day course is funded through (SVETP), a California Career Pathways Trust (CCPT) grant and led by the San José-Evergreen Community College District (SJECCD) Workforce Institute, in a regional partnership with nine community colleges, six unified school districts, as well as community-based organizations and workforce intermediaries. Tuition was waved through the grant to promote STEM career pathways in high-demand, high-wage, and high-growth industries.


Transmosis/Workforce Institute SJECCD Spring Break Game Design Academy Page 2

The SVETP grant funded STEM career pathways project focuses on three high-demand industry sectors: Computer Science, Engineering and Advanced Manufacturing, and multiple career certifications or degrees within each. 

The Game Academy runs 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. from April 10 through April 14 at Workforce Institute, San José City College, 600 South Bascom Avenue, Room T120 in San José, California. To register for the Game Design Academy apply at

About Transmosis

Transmosis is an organization founded by Silicon Valley technology entrepreneurs dedicated to the research and application of technology to strengthen the American workforce. Transmosis is a nationally recognized Workforce Intermediary focused on enabling companies to build a pipeline of skilled labor by helping individuals address skill gaps through state and federal training dollars. For more information, visit

About San José – Evergreen Workforce Institute

The San José – Evergreen City College District’s Workforce Institute catalyzes opportunity, social justice, and equity in Silicon Valley by promoting economic mobility in our diverse communities, and creating a highly skilled workforce essential for the future competitiveness of Silicon Valley in a global economy. For more information, call (408) 918-5100 or visit

SJECCD Opens Game Design Course to the Public Over Spring Break to Promote STEM Careers