SF Police Chief Greg Suhr and sf.citi announce 4th annual future graduates tech internships program

For the fourth year running, over forty SFUSD high school students will participate in eight-week summer internships at more than twenty sf.citi member tech companies in 2015. These local students, ages 14 – 18, will spend eight weeks gaining real-world exposure and learning new skills in a productive environment at some of San Francisco’s most exciting companies: RichRelevance, Bayes Impact, UrbnEarth, Meadow, 32-7, Adroll, Neighborland, Black Girls Code, Mobiquity, AssuranceData, if(we), AppFusions, SwiftBot, Getaround, NextRequest, Trulia, Appallicious, elev8r.co and Transmosis. The Police Foundation facilitates student placement and manages the program during the summer, and sf.citi has again provided significant funding for student stipends and covering the costs of the program, while securing private sector commitments.


SF Police Chief Greg Suhr and sf.citi announce 4th annual future graduates tech internships program