
14 In-demand Tech Jobs Employers Are Struggling To Fill

Want to be practically guaranteed a job in today’s competitive market? Consider pursuing one of these careers where the demand for employees is outweighing the supply.

1. IT Architect

Description: IT architects design full IT systems for corporations–they’re the brains behind information technology infrastructure. They’re more involved with design, analytics, and solution stages than the manual building.

Current open jobs on Glassdoor: 10,487

National Average Salary: $116,920

2. Security Engineer

Description: Technology is uniquely vulnerable to breaches of information. Security engineers are on the front lines of protecting technical systems and keeping data safe.

Current open jobs on Glassdoor: 18,989

National Average Salary: $93,653

3. Data Scientist

Description: I’ve written before about how big data is booming, and data scientists are in particularly good positions. They analyze vast quantities of data to mine the insights that companies need to grow and improve.

Current open jobs on Glassdoor: 20,498

National Average Salary: $113,436

4. QA Engineer

Description: Buggy software won’t sell, so it’s important to have skilled QA engineers who can put programs through rigorous tests to locate weaknesses for the developers to address.

Current open jobs on Glassdoor: 23,543

National Average Salary: $80,000

5. Front End Engineer

Description: The front end of a website is the part users see and interact with–and also the part front-end engineers are responsible for building.

Current open jobs on Glassdoor: 25,064

National Average Salary: $100,025

6. Mobile Developer

Description: Websites are ubiquitous now–every business has one–and apps are following in their footsteps. Mobile developers are needed more than ever to build and improve apps for companies who need them.

Current open jobs on Glassdoor: 40,112

National Average Salary: $76,061

7. Java Developer

Description: Usually, web developers will know more than one programming language, but it can be useful to focus on a specialty. Java developers mainly work, as the title implies, with Java.

Current open jobs on Glassdoor: 42,233

National Average Salary: $76,339

8. Data Engineer

Description: Back to data again–data engineers build the infrastructure used in analyzing data, and sometimes create big data warehouses that data scientists can use.

Current open jobs on Glassdoor: 49,712

National Average Salary: $95,526

9. Network Engineer

Description: Network engineers build and maintain the various networks companies use internally.

Current open jobs on Glassdoor: 57,008

National Average Salary: $73,165

10. Software Engineer

Description: Software engineers are specialized programmers who focus on designing, developing, testing, and updating software.

Current open jobs on Glassdoor: 69,989

National Average Salary: $95,195

11. Product Manager

Description: How to make a product shine (and ultimately sell) is the main concern of a product manager. They work across teams to drive product development and hone it to its best version.

Current open jobs on Glassdoor: 70,488

National Average Salary: $103,124

12. DevOps Engineer

Description: A relatively new methodology, DevOps has become highly popular in the software world, and it’s still evolving. Engineers who know and embrace the principles of DevOps may find themselves in higher demand.

Current open jobs on Glassdoor: 155,476

National Average Salary: $100,000

13. Solutions Architect

Description: Unlike a title like “mobile developer” which tells you exactly what they do, “solutions architect” is more vague. In a nutshell, though, they support the technical needs of a company and/or its customer base, serving as an expert who can work with the product team, clients, etc. to develop solutions to problems.

Current open jobs on Glassdoor: 176,372

National Average Salary: $118,593

14. Systems Engineer

Description: Systems engineers design, build, and manage complex computer systems. They consider issues like reliability, efficiency, logistics, and more to ultimately create robust systems that do what they need to do.

Current open jobs on Glassdoor: 316,837

National Average Salary: $85,000

By: Laurence Bradford



14 In-demand Tech Jobs Employers Are Struggling To Fill