Transmosis selected to speak at the California Workforce Association Spring Conference


May 12-14, Orange County Hyatt

Amy Wallace, Assistant Director for Workforce Innovation,
California Workforce Investment Board

Mary Fuller, COO, Hack the Hood
Chase Norlin, Executive Director, Transmosis
Erick Serrato, Deputy Director, Pacific Gateway WIB
Utilia Guzman, Special Projects Program Specialist,
Pacific Gateway WIB
Christopher Gallegos, Communications Specialist,
Pacific Gateway WIB
Alex Becker, Program Associate, Child Welfare Initiative

Funded by the CWIB and EDD, the Workforce Accelerator
Fund worked with 18 projects to design innovative
approaches to serving California job seekers, students, and
employers. This process created and prototyped innovative
strategies that helped to bridge education and workforce
gaps and identified promising models and practices in
workforce system service delivery infrastructure.
This session will feature grantees involved in accelerating
skill development and employment for at-risk youth,
ex-offenders, and the long-term unemployed.

Transmosis selected to speak at the California Workforce Association Spring Conference